
A Photo A Day

Today I was reading about Project 365 which is a fun project that involves taking a photo a day for a year. I'm not a very good photographer but love good photography. I'd like to become better and learn more about photography so this was very interesting to me. The whole idea behind the project is that you will be able document a year of your life and in doing so you will become a better photographer just by using your camera everyday. It will also stimulate creativity by causing you to come up with an idea for a shot on a daily basis!

I love the idea but I don't know if I can handle the commitment of taking a photo every single day. This being the case I am going to start with baby steps and create my own Project 7! I'm going to attempt to take a photo every day for the next seven days. If I am successful, I will keep going! I actually did take a picture today before I learned about Project 365 so I'm posting it as part of my personal Project 7.

Self-portrait of my feet wearing houndstooth wellies taken in the backyard while walking with my dog, Zoe.

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