
instagram snapshot: holiday light love

Hello there. I hope your Wednesday is going along great. I love holiday lights and seeing all the decorations people put up this time of the year. It's so festive and charming and always makes me smile. We were at a holiday party this weekend and drove past a park that was decorated so beautiful, I just wanted to live in that perfect picture for the moment. Unfortunately, it was minus degrees and I was wearing a skirt so hanging out in that weather was a no go for me. I quickly snapped a picture as we drove by. I hope I will be able to go back one night and take some pictures because it was just so stunning.

In Japan, holiday lights are called illuminations and some places put them up in mid-November and don't take them down until March. There are some really stunning displays. I came across is one for the Country Farm Tokyo German Village. It's magical. I hope you enjoy it.

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